Gilfane Image  
 Vorrak title
Leawyn II
"Audaces fortuna juvat - Fortune favours the bold"
Vorrak is a legendary figure in Gilfane history, a tamer who was rumoured to be among the elite few that has tamed an ancient wyrm. He wondered the lands far and wide in search of new challenges and tests of his amazing abilities, and his fame travelled along with him. He was said to be able to speak in the tongue of many animals and such was his affinity with the beasts that he could live among them in the wilds. Those monsters that were truly untameable he would instead hunt down with his considerable menagerie of trained creatures. Indeed, such was his prowess and lore that some say he could even resurrect dead pets which had not yet bonded to their keepers.

Vorrak's fame and rising wealth eventually earned him a grant of land in Gilfane and the title of Viscount, and thus House Vorrak was formed. He passed on much of his knowledge and skills to those around him and the House blossomed, eventually becoming Ruling House for almost half a century. Vorrak mounts were known as the finest one could buy, and the House was always the first to be called should any dangerous beast threaten the town or its surrounds. Vorrak members continued to travel extensively, often teaming up to raid lairs or to rid an entire area of some fell monsters.

Guildhall map
Click for guildhall map
Today's members of the House follow the traditions of the past, with hunting being the primary occupation. They travel the world over seeking exotic animals. Those that can be tamed are, those that cannot are hunted. Although tamers are held in the highest regard, all professions are welcome within provided that the hunting of creatures is also their main goal. The House colour is blue (leather dye tub - darkest blue shade) matched with gold (reward cloth), to reflect the luck intensity that most tamers prefer to don. Although there is no requirement to wear a uniform, one will be provided for formal occasions.

The Vorrak guildhall is located in Gilfane town, not far from the Citadel. The House symbol is the Corrupted Tree obtained from the Peerless hunts. It symbolizes the outdoors where most members spend their time amongst the animals of the world, but also is a reminder of the corruption within this same world. The tree symbol should be displayed at each Vorrak member's home.

Notable Events
09/06/71 House Vorrak officially formed under Viscount Vorrak.
01/10/79 Vorrak recognized as a Greater House.
28/03/118 Viscount Vorrak dies.
18/04/118 Greymeer becomes Viscount.
18/11/127 Viscount Greymeer slain by a kraken.
05/12/127 Blake Moonsword becomes Viscount.
23/02/151 Heston Roberts becomes Viscount.
01/03/161 Vorrak becomes Ruling House.
19/07/176 Horst Reichert becomes Viscount.
08/10/207 Hettar Dargaard becomes Viscount.
03/03/208 Hettar's Gilfane Zoo officially opens.
03/05/208 Silvanus takes over as Ruling House.
01/07/208 Vorrak regains Ruling House status.
02/09/208 Silvanus takes over as Ruling House.
01/03/209 Vorrak regains position as Ruling House.
01/05/209 Silvanus takes over as Ruling House.
05/07/210 Leawyn II succeeds Hettar as prelate.
01/09/210 Vorrak regains position as Ruling House.
01/11/210 Silvanus takes over as Ruling House.

We welcome all professions. Our precedence is (1) Tamer, (2) Bardic, (3) Mage, (4) Military, (5) Craftsman.

Main images (c) Andy Simmons @ ANS Graphics