Calavera's post

Started by Gunth, February 20, 2025, 01:35:19 PM

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This is Calavera's post that was deleted.  Unfortunately I am not able to retrieve his previous post.

I see that you deleted my post on this forum where I described In Vas Mani player killing me while I was taming mares, and after the fact trying to claim I was a VICE member. In that same post I detailed that the reason I left GIL late last year was because PK Killa murdered a blue unprovoked and dry looted them (he did not know the character or anything about them) while Bia (the current GIL leader at the time) stood by and only after the fact tried to justify it in our voice channel as the murdered player being friends with a past GIL aggressor (again, PK Killa did not know this at the time). And now you guys are just deleting posts outright if it calls you out.

What happened to Gilfane? You guys had great members at one time. Does everyone bow to your new player killer now? I can't believe you are deleting posts that highlight GIL characters murdering Siege players.

If that is what GIL is about now, so be it. You have become just like every other PK guild on the shard, and I'm done with you. I'll be sure to post this on other forums so that when Pk Killa has this removed from here it will still be seen by Siege players elsewhere.


Thanks Gunth for bringing it up again.

@Calavera: I think you made this post for the issues about multi-boxing and a Gil hunts for blues in Lost Land lately.
(but from what I understand your post has been deleted due the reson bringing your old story up again)

For the current 2 topics I believe there is an on going discussion in Gil right now. - Let us sort this out.
But understand we will not post the discussion on board. - DonĀ“t need a flaming here and there.



@Torin @Gunth

Thank you for taking the time to undo my 2nd post's deletion. The 1st post appears to be deleted permanently as it is not even accessible in my post history. You have asked for clarification. Here are the "correct details" (Bia's term before the second full post wast deleted).

Several days ago I was in the Lost Lands taming mares. I had one Calavera hidden so that if a color spawned I could grab it. The other Calavera was killing mares with a pack of Shadow Hounds. The blue GIL character In Vas Mani ran down from the top of the screen, and I began typing "Howdy", because since this was a GIL player I assumed he was also there for mares. Before I could finish my greeting In Vas Mani murdered me. My character was a blue in the guild [SPHS] which has been a guild for myself and Talia for a decade now. (Talia held it while I was in GIL).

I switched to the hidden Calavera and ran up to In Vas Mani and said, "wtf?" to which he replied "Aren't you VICE?" Considering I only left GIL a few months ago and this toon knew I had been in GIL and even now was not flying VICE tags, I thought they were being ridiculous. I replied no, I was Calavera. I was very put out. I rezzed my other toon, and then collected the Shadow Hounds and ran NE to the other mare area.  In Vas Mani followed me. When it became clear that he would not leave me be, I left the Lost Lands. As I left, In Vas Mani said in General Chat, "Bye VICE!" and "VICE won't tame on my watch!" even though they KNEW I was not VICE.

I posted about this the same morning on the GIL forums. Because I still considered members of GIl to be against this action, I did not include names. That post remained for many hours without answer. Then it was deleted from the forum. Now even angrier, I posted a second time and named names for Bia, PK Killa, and In Vas Mani. I referred back to a couple of months ago when I left GIL. At the time I had not shared my reasoning for leaving with anyone save two players. Instead I had written GIL just wasn't a good fit.

GIL wasn't a good fit because on my last day Scooby, Bia, PK Killa, and myself were in voice and in game. Someone popped a Manifestation and we went to see if it was someone who wanted help. When we rolled up I saw that it was Mouse and a player I didn't know. Pk Killa murdered Mouse on the spot, dry looted her, and chased the other player off. Keep in mind PK Killa had just returned a few months back and admitted in voice they didn't know anything about Mouse. Scooby and I both expressed dissent that he should not have killed Mouse, and WAKA was definitely not going to like that when they heard. Bia talked past it saying well Mouse associated with WAKA and in the past a WAKA player had attacked GIL. But by that logic GIl should have killed me, or Scooby, or half of their own members.

I gave Mouse the suit I was wearing and then I left GIL.

If this were any other guild I'd say so what. I was PK'ed and that is another day on Siege. But GIL once had codes of conduct and once proclaimed to be a non-PK guild. I know there were once good people who believed in this in GIL. But there is a history of PK'ing blue players now, players who haven't attacked GIL and players who even thought they were allies of GIL. After my SECOND post was deleted I could see that things have much changed even in the last 3 months.

I no longer consider myself on friendly terms with GIL. Where once GIL would be the first group I'd recommend to someone new on Siege, now I will not mention them. Because now they are just like everyone else. Dishonorable player killers.

Edited for gramatical corrections.


When I saw Az's PM to me this morning I typed up the details above in haste before leaving the house for the morning. Since then I've thought about it, and I've decided it doesn't matter. We are all grown people playing a game 3 decades old. We play for fun. I get wrapped up in Siege more than any prodo shard, and things that are unimportant in the grand scheme seem to mean something here. But they don't really.

No one cares if GIL PKs. No one cares if the rules are different now than a decade ago. No one cares about any of this really, because none of it matters. I shouldn't let GIL or any other group get to me the way I do. That is on me. You guys do you. VICE can be VICE. At the end of the day this is a pasttime and if it bothers me that much I should stop participating. Thanks Az and Torin for taking an interest in why my posts were deleted. I am genuinely sorry for the hassle. Hopefully you all get whatever you want out of your guild. I'll not mention any of this again. Take care.