New Life to an Old Perilous World

Started by Lore Denin, April 16, 2015, 12:45:06 AM

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Lore Denin

Lore sat across from Lady Hoffs, Keeper of the Houses of Gilfane.  Though he had only recently met her, he trusted in her wisdom and more importantly her character.  She was indeed the foundation on which the houses of Gilfane stood, and that foundation was stronger then one built from the finest stone; for it was one of Virtue.

 After a moment Lore spoke confirming the terms to two had agreed.  "Knights coming from other lands who enter this world in a weakened state shall enter under the protection of Gilfane as Squires of Virtue.  At the time they regain their strength, they may then enter join the Lorian Colony or choose a house within the Independent City State of Gilfane if they are found worthy."

Lady Hoffs nodded but asked again, "Are you sure this is something you want Lord Denin?"

 "Yes.  There may be a time when that changes, when my colony is well established and we can provide guidance and protection those new to the land require but that simply isn't the reality I face today.  The walls of Sanctym are not even up, to bring these knights here only to feed them to the wolves would be irresponsible at best, murder at worst.  I trust Gilfane, and its citizens to aid them, to guide and protect them.  If a knight is persistent and aware of the risks then I may make exceptions and grant them citizenship upon arrival but I will make sure they know the risks and the structure to support them is not in place. "

 Lore extended his hand and Lady Hoffs took hold with a surprisingly strong grip and with that the pact was sealed and a new era begin, and a new door opened to the good and Virtuous seeking a place in this perilous land.


Official proclamation by Lord Morgan Ironfist, Duke of House Nemesis, Governor of New Magincia:

Hear ye, hear ye!

Hereby it is proclaimed that all new settlers to the newfounded kingdom of Loria are under the same protection as any new settler of the city state of Gilfane.
House Nemesis will protect these fine people from any murderer or brigand who try to extort them.

We welcome them to our lands and wish them a prosporous life.

Morgan Ironfist
Duke of Nemesis
Governor of New Magincia

Lore Denin

Thank you Duke Ironfist.  As we trust in the wisdom of Lady Keeper Hoffs for guidance, so we trust the strength and cunning of house Nemesis to keep the young safe.  My original idea was to form a new guild where the young could be housed in secret while they trained in fear the good names of Gilfane and Loria might draw out the cowardly enemies of Virtue who often enjoy taking advantage of the weak and helpless.  It is my faith in you and your house that convinced me such a fear was unwarranted and I have no doubt those under your watchful eye will be well protected and will likely learn a thing or two about protecting themselves in the process,

Virtue Keep Gilfane and watch over the brave men and women of House Nemesis as they watch over us,

Till All Are One,

Lore Denin

Ian James

(That Lady Hoffs does have an iron grip)
Ian James, Alexus, Arithan, Bloody Bob