A new place to look for UO information!!

Started by Adrianas, November 15, 2014, 08:46:28 PM

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Quote from: petra fyde on January 22, 2015, 07:24:14 PM
Had a busy week playing around with a whole series of maps. Let me know what you think of them? You can find the initial page for them here: http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/maps.html  - or listed on the index page of course.

Great maps, Petra.... I really like the coords function, that can toggle on/off.......  Here's a sample guys.

You start with the basic map:

Add some "locations":

Then add coords (great for tmaps):

And that one link at the top gives access to all land masses, so it's quick to find and use.....
Good work, Petra...  I guess Stratics loss is our gain !

petra fyde

Glad you like them! If I hadn't been exploring .css I probably never would have come up with the idea. They were a lot of work, and my EC ingame maps are a mess with little green dots every 10 degrees on 4 sides :D.
Was just worried no one would find them useful.


My side is the main Order of Drunken Elders site found here : http://ode-guild.com/
I do the Shroud of the Avatar but I think Petra's side is way better!!!


petra fyde

I got a request on Europa do give a similar treatment to the abyss map on the mini champs page.

petra fyde

petra fyde

This week I've taken a look at houses, starting with http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/housing.html , placing one, and working chronologically rather than alphabetically. I spent some time researching the security setting 'guild' which no one seemed very sure about. I'm not too great at decor, so that page is just basic with a link to another player's site who's a recognised expert.


Sara Dale

I was reading about your post on housing.  On the condemned time you should change the "in danger of falling" time to from 2 1/2 hours to 14.   They changed  the times for falling to who knows what now.   Aislinn lost her keep. It had been checked on the 28 of Jan and it was down about 3 days later.  Everything is random now.   
Things left laying around will decay in one hour instead of 2.    Its crazy.   

petra fyde

hmm, ok. I'll see what I can put in to reflect that. No one has any actual figures any more. :(

petra fyde


Don´t forget to play the game too, Petra.  ;)

petra fyde

I'm playing! honest, spent quite a bit of time on Siege this week.
More uploads! http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/melee-fighter.html is the main one, supported by pages on Chiv, Bushido, special moves and a hopefully helpful http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/weapons.html


They set her free and all it did was fire up her imagination that much more!  lol.  Great going, Petra.

Never on the field of Sosarian combat was so much dished out to so many by so few-Void Pool 7/19/14