A new place to look for UO information!!

Started by Adrianas, November 15, 2014, 08:46:28 PM

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petra fyde

One new page, http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/fame-and-karma.html in which I managed to turn the word 'karma' on its side, and one edited one. I've added a column in the page http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/imbuing_ingredients.html for the imbuing weights of the properties.


Thanks Boss. I have given up trying to use Stratics for finding info. I guess they are still fixing it. That chart is perfect for me. I have run out of armor. I had a string of bad luck. *grins* I really like wearing decent armor... Keeps me alive for one more chance to revive or escape.

I am gonna have to learn ta make my own stuff... *sighs* I suppose good armor is too expensive to put on vendors.

So if any of you have some good links to "Crafting Good Siege Perilous Gear for Dummies" let me know, OK?

petra fyde

After converting rather a lot of icon .dds files to .gif files I can offer http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/buff-debuff.html so you know what all those buff and debuff icons mean.

Two uploads in one day!  Something I've been hoping for, I'm proud to include in my pages Watchertoo's Action Packed UO Videos http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/playlist.html

petra fyde

The 'K' section of my pages index is no longer empty thanks to the addition of http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/kings-collection.html also added a page for non-crafted potions http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/potions-non-crafted.html after someone asked me 'what's a shatter potion?


petra fyde

:D Marginally fond of you too, Kelmo.

This week is given over to 'decor' with a record of Heritage, Spring Decor and Eleventh year items. http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/heritage-items.html http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/spring-deco.html http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/eleventh-year.html


petra fyde

This one isn't really relevant to Siege, but for those who have contacts on other shards: I've had a short break because I couldn't think what pages were missing - but now I know. Here's the first of the next batch, http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/dungeon-haven-mine.html with apologies to the newer players I've come in contact with for not having this information to hand for them.

petra fyde

Taking a look at a couple more dungeons, hopefully in a way it hasn't been done before. http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/dungeon-hythloth.html and http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/dungeon-destard.html Let me know what you think of the pumpkins in Hythloth? :D

petra fyde

Two more dungeon 'tours' http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/dungeon-fire.html and http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/dungeon-deceit.html probably telling vets what they already know, but maybe helpful to some newer players?

petra fyde

No new page, but I decided since the carpentry menu descriptions can be confusing it might be helpful to add pictures to the page http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/carpenter_menu.html I have to admit it took me rather longer than I thought it would. Hopefully it was worth the effort

ii & Sabin

Wow - very nice! You might add something about special wood (oak for example) that can be natural dyed before placing fot things like arcane circles and sole forges etc

petra fyde

hmm, sorry about that. It's missing a link. Now added the link to the main http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/carpentry-essay.html

petra fyde

I came to realise that the Ter Mur void creatures were only mentioned in one of the quests. Not everyone who hunts those does the quest, so I decided to do a page about them. http://ode-guild.com/uostuff/termur-void.html
