Sorry, I'm not Donny Wahlberg....

Started by Gorfang, November 19, 2007, 12:32:57 AM

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....I'm a different sort of new kid on the block.

Hi Everyone, just joined Gilfane today.  I'm really looking forward to meeting you all.

I have been playing Siege for about a year and a half, but have never really done anything on Siege.  I Played on Great Lakes for a couple of years before coming here.  Most of my experience is in the PvM arena.  I am very interested in developing my PvP skills.  A short lived time with ORC showed me that I have alot to work on.

I have assassin-type skills on my template now (training fencing and poisoning) but I have soulstones with tamer skills for when/if the occasion arises that I would need them.  I plan on PvPing with skills other than taming skills, but would love to brush off ye old cu-sidhe for champ spawns or hunts.

Don't hesitate to ask me for anything.  I don't have much but am willing to part with it to support Gilfane.

Seen you soon.


Ah, a Tamer/Assasin...Nice

Look forward to seein you around Gorfang, welcome to GIL


 If it's pvp your after.

Nemesis is the house for you.


Oh man, I dunno Cali....anyone who knows the name of ANY of the New Kids on the Block.......*grins*


 There will be no talk about the New kids!! hehe