
Started by Rowena, October 09, 2007, 01:25:36 PM

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It has been a long time since I played Siege, and my life has been chaos during my time away. But things have finally settled down, and I look forward to giving Siege another try. I have forgotten much of the game...

I have but one character, so my template is a mix of crafter and PvM. I am a tailor, and also have Magery, Eval, Meditation, and Chivalry. I used to have inscription and magic resist, but those are being traded for arms lore and bushido... I am not sure yet if devoting an entire skill is worth being able to control my lesser ru, but we shall see. (apparently they are bugged and bushido doesn't work anyway, tho EA swears they are going to fix that...)

I enjoy doing peerless and hunting alongside my lilru (I find it an interesting challenge to hunt using only pet, with chivalry to heal/cure) and I look forward to hunting with GIL. I talk a lot, and quite often the very obvious escapes me. Other than that, there isn't much to say about me!

~ Tanager


Thanks for the post, Rowena. And a warm welcome to Gilfane.


Welcome back to Siege and Welcome to Gilfane...


I know that name. What guild were you in on Siege before?



I was in TnT for the majority of my time on Siege.

Thank you for the welcome


Quote from: Rowena on October 10, 2007, 12:12:17 PM
I was in TnT for the majority of my time on Siege.

Thank you for the welcome

My hats of to TnT. They were the only ones to kill me while I was camping for 10th anni items. When they came into the dungeon I knew I was a goner. (They use tracking detect)


Rowena's template was designed to be self-sufficient. As tailor/mage, she could craft/repair/enhance her own armor and make/recharge arcane clothing to avoid regents, and still be useful as a full mage for peerless, champ spawns, etc, or just getting her own materials for crafting. Hunting with a lesser ru and healing/curing him and myself with chiv was very effective, requiring little or no materials (arcane boots for the occasional invis or gate). A fully trained lesser can take down Swoop, being healed with only chiv by a mage with mana to burn.

That was fun for a time. But I have grown tired of hunting solo. (That and the added need for arms lore and lack of ability to control my lesser have somewhat taken the fun out of the template.)

With the help of this amazingly generous and kind guild, Rowena has been recreated as a stealth tamer mage with chivalry. (Because I really do love how magery and chivalry work together with mage weapons. LRC even works on tithing, tho I usually just run around in barbed armor, arcane, and a mage wep.)

The name is Tanager, and it is the name of my main character on my home shard Catskills. Hopefully this template, while being dependent on others, will be of more use in a group and to the guild in general. It will take me some time getting used to it. But I have plenty of time, since I must now re-level the character...

~ Tang


Stealth Tamer Mage...Sounds like another victim...Er, member yeah thats it member, for House Vorrak... :D


 Quest seconds the addition of Tanager into House Vorrak.