EM Quantum wants to say Hi to Siege march 6th.

Started by Tiger, March 04, 2009, 11:48:55 AM

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I would like to invite the players of Siege Perilous to an Event Moderator Social on March the 6th at 8pm EST, at the Britain Counselor's Guild Hall. These are one of the things I do to encourage the community not only to know me but each other, and it gives me an opportunity to learn more about the tastes of the players on Siege in regards to events, and a chance for me to offer to assist with their community organized endevors.

Thank you,

EM Quantum.


I do hope he is going to speak the same amount of words to everyone who attends. We don't want any favouritism. The is Communism Online after all.


I was more thinking in the lines that hopefully the more that showe from our community the more he will see we are not like that rest, that we live by different rules and therefor we shouldnt be effected by what they wish to aply for the prodo shards.
Just a thought...
(No one can hear the mute population speak)


EM Quantum has no say in these matters. The decision to stop the rewards was taken by the developers, not the EMs. The previous Siege EM resigned in frustration over this castration of incentive and competition.


I know that EM`s have no say...
Dev`s might take more notice if several EM`s from the same shard gets frustrated and stat the oppinion of the shard...

I might be dreaming ;-)


 ;D  I would just be happy with a screen-shot of me standing next to him.  :)

General Specific

Several of us got the chance to talk to him after we discovered the "Save the Kittens" thing was a hoax. 

*smacks forehead again*

He's a long time vet, and the EM social seems like a place for people to brainstorm about possible Events for the shard.  A lot of things are out of his hands, but whether we get something amazing out of an event or not, I for one think it would be nice to do something a little different now and again.  I'm not sure I can make this one, but if anyone can get his contact information, that would be cool.  I have a few ideas.