Template Help

Started by General Specific, March 01, 2009, 08:11:37 PM

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General Specific

I'm trying to get a nervestrike/deathstrike character going, he'll be mostly a pvp template.  I'd like to get him into factions when his skills are up.  However, I'm a bit lost as far as its ability to stay alive.  A couple ideas for templates I've been able to come up with so far are:

120 swords/bushi/ninja, 100 hiding, 75 stealth, 90-100 tactics, and the remainder in med.  This would rely entirely on confidence and pots, which is a bit scary for me to run without healing.  It's just impossible to fit it in, besides, dex would be on the low side to make room for lots of mana to spam nervestrikes.

A similar template:
120 swords/bushi/ninja, 100 tactics and 100 alchemy, 70 chiv and 75 med.  This would make pots more effective, and add another healing ability.  The downside to this template is that deathstrike would suffer considerably.

I know neither of these templates have resisting spells, which is very helpful in PvP.  So if anyone can help me out, I'd like to have some idea of a template to shoot for before I really get into working the skills (I'd rather not waste the time working skills I won't be using)  Thanks!


The first template you stated is pretty much the standard template.  Remember, if you are in factions you can just load up on faction gear with MR and/or runic armor and don't need med, allowing you to take anatomy or healing. 

In terms of healing - yeah, you rely on potions and confidence.  You're job isn't to dominate in a long drawn out field battle, you're the assassin.  Get in, do your thing, and if things take a turn for the worse pop a smoke bomb and stealth away. 

General Specific

Thanks, that's a help.  Had no idea what the standard was.  I suppose the smokebomb/stealthing is really what keeps you alive in bad situations.


Thats almost an identical template atm that Kael has

Cept his is mace right now

General Specific

Do you stay alive well enough?  And is it good for a quick kill?  I've never tried the sneaky, all offense type template.


You want to use the first template. You want med, hich lmc, and high MR. Trust me!