New King of Giltown

Started by Enigma, February 03, 2009, 04:15:40 AM

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Don't give counts all you like, I will take your stuff all I like if I find you in my town.
Also I loved Loki's Post very cool and creative.


Quote from: tjalle on February 11, 2009, 08:42:07 PM
Once I´m done fighting this monster of lag that found me, Brutus will dust of his sword and come find this new "king"...


Seems you dusted him off, and then took a face plant :(


Well, I am still fighting the lag monster. Hence the no armour...

Next time Gadget, next time!


     We have not yet recieved the payment of one million gold pieces payable to the good people of Gilfane. There will be dire consequences for false king Coyote Jack if this matter is not attended to in short order. The clean up costs around the new playground false throne have been increasing by the hour. This is mostly due to the fact that it has become a tourist attraction of sorts and a lot of litter is being left in the surrounding areas. The false monarch, Coyote Jack is being held responsible for increased clean up costs.  >:(
Everything is better when you are wearing purple shoes.


Quote from: Patty Pickaxe on February 11, 2009, 01:30:34 PM
Ali-  In my time of despair over the death of Spree, I did accidentally give you a murder count.  For this, I apologize with my greatest sincerity. 

It's okay.....the whole episode was funny as hell. And besides (I can start a sentence with "and", it's artistic license!) it helped me get over the whole fear of "ghosting" in Luna. I even met some folks while I was in spirit. One time, I happened upon the ghost of Palvarik, and he was moving! We talked for like an hour. The things you get to learn when ya try something new!

I pondered going red....but came back to my senses and finished serving my community. *bows head*

But.....I'd do it again in a heartbeat. *brandishes bola then giggles and scurries off to sleep*


I love to hear my subjects flirting with the dark side. When and not IF you go red I shall make you my Queen. You will sit by my side. A chair will be added to my throne and together we shall rule all the gnomish cobblers of these lands!!!! Don't mind the smell of poo; this shitty city smells of fail all the time.


Now you've done it. I am now expecting payment to the citizens of Gilfane in the amount of 5 million gold pieces. Beware! Shoe production is at an all time high. The Gnomes are fired up. I think that they are indeed helping Sunchicken with his coup plot.

Did you get the nice cake I decorated for you? I left it at your door step yesterday. It was monagramed with a special message.  ;D
Everything is better when you are wearing purple shoes.


Pretty sad man. I thought it was about fun pvp. Instead, you hide from me, call in more people to kill me, dryloot, and then proceed to trash talk me. I can get that treatment in Luna.


I dont really know why any of that went on, uh still a bit confused myself.

I believe kal plans to give back what he got, i think calis stuff is on a vendor.


Cash, I think you know me well enough to know its not about the loot. Its about treatment of other players and being able to trust someone to their word. I thought KOC had made progress, I was wrong.


Vortex, did I kill you? No did I loot you not a drop. Those that I did kill failed to give me murder counts and as I posted time and time and time again, if you don't count me I loot you.

Frankly we are forced to loot you as your guild seems to constantly res and re-equipt and right back into the fight. we have to loot to keep it half way fair. Or is 8v1 really a fair fight? And as far as the shit talking? I say what I always say "I am King of GILTOWN, get off my lawn"
I did say I heard you were looking for me. But if you consider that shit talking take a nap.


Actually, what you said was "I heard you were looking for me" and then "Fail". Yes, thats pretty much shit talking.

As far as counts, its pretty hard to give you a count when I go grey from attacking Sunchicken.

Kal looted me, and you stood there watching. Dunno if you attacked me, but 4 of your friends did. It looked like you took something as well, but maybe not. Either way, you called in the help when I would have gladly fought you 1 v 1. I would think that you would set the same looting rules on the friends you call in, but I'm sure your gonna claim you are not responsible for their actions. Thats the standard KOC line.

And it was never 8 v 1. I walked up on you after you killed one of our crafters. Cash walked up there with me. You hid, the next thing I knew Sunchicken and one other blue came in. Braden then showed up and we fought them 2 v 2. Suddenly, Kal and several others show up, outnumbering me and Braden. Braden called in Verum and a few others. I dropped, the rest is history. Don't claim 8 v 1 when its crap.

You claimed this was about fun, yet you call in people who dryloot, rez kill (some red, Yasou or something like that rez killed me even after I told him I was drobed), and then you talk trash. Sad that I even defended that you were trying to start some fun pvp. I shoulda known it was just the same old crap. Even Cash saw the BS ya'll pulled tonight.


I'm not having fun anymore.  :'(

I'm out.
Everything is better when you are wearing purple shoes.


 I had fun. ^^ Was to much hate spread thou and the res killing. Well that speaks for itself.
Anyway good fights.


Quote from: Calibretto on February 13, 2009, 05:47:43 AM
I had fun. ^^ Was to much hate spread thou and the res killing. Well that speaks for itself.
Anyway good fights.

CALI'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*dances & giggles*

I missed you!