*narrows eyes*

Started by Lucrio, October 31, 2008, 03:34:42 AM

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 Lucrio looks down upon his bloodstained armor. He remembers every stain and cut as he pulls it on. Luc takes a deep breath. Lady Minax whispers in his ear," Don your armor, cavalier. Take up your bow. Ride and try to redeem your self... It is my bidding. Your anger and pride will serve you well..."

Lucrio shakes his head. He vows to ride without anger. He sacrifices his pride. Luc runs the road from Umbra to Luna. Most citizens are amiable...

Somewhere, Minax chuckles...



You met my sister this evening, a certain elf that goes by the name of a winter month.


Well done, sir. Resist! Don't give in.


I tried my best to calm him with tales of apples and shade trees but he was having none of it! Still, he was pleasant enough and a gentleman.

Lethe Goatsherd

 Lethe brushes tears from her eyes with a craft-calloused hand.

She steps silently through a blue portal to a place where she can o'erlook an infinity of stars.  She scarce knows whence comes the prayer, but 'tis from her deepest heart.

"Ah, Goddess! Do thou bring this troubl'd soul rest. This Minax is but a woman, tho' she does portray herself more, and holds sway o'er far too many with her imaginings. Let him find respite from her mutterings and persuasion.."

Her hands clench for a moment.

"You shall NOT have him!"

there is the sound she knew would come... the sound of hoofbeats and the clank/rattle of armor and horse-trappings.

Without turning, Lethe extends her hand,
"Come, good Lucrio. We shall fight this battle... together."


Lucrio carefully checks his crossbow. He tests the mechanisms, the heft and the action. Bolts, bandages and a power granted by uncaring gods to any who pay the gold. A grim smile passes quickly. Gold and silver, power and pride.

The fallen paladin calls forth his magical steed. A cold and unfeeling thing. The perfect companion.

Lucrio rides Umbra road alone. The only attention he draws is from the pesky bats. A walking tree shuffles across the road, as the treeman senses Lucrio's presence it turns away. Luc watches as it disappears into the forest. The sound of battle rings across the clearing. Lucrio watches as a new warrior battles the band of brigands. Oh No seems to have matters in hand, Luc shakes his head and rides on.

Across the star fields and into Gilfane. It is a quiet night. A chill runs through Lucrio. Blood rushes and adrenaline kicks in. A Brit... Luc stops and stares. A snarl rises from his gut. Callibretto... Lucrio swings his bow up for attack...

The rage, violent, malevolent ... Lucrio pauses and breathes deeply. Callibreto is in his home. Tending his own buisness. Luc stares an his sworn enemy puttering about the house doing mundane things. With a shake of his head, Lucrio rides on. It is a quiet night...