Hello........then silence ????

Started by Enigma, October 26, 2008, 08:39:08 PM

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Don't take this post the wrong way at all. I do not mean it to cause malice. But what is the deal with this guild's forum? Seems everyone posts a Hello I am new to the guild and some people respond with a welcome then no more posts....ever. For such a large guild that is VERY active I can not imagine why there is not more interesting topics to discuss or debate over. Again not being a dil-hole i'm just surprised.


I would venture a guess that the Hello posts are just people introducing themselves after getting guilded into Gilfane

They then continue to post in the private guild forums or become a silent lurker :)


You know Kael that is something I guess I was too tired to think of. Private forums huh. Yeah I will take that as a good answer. Still wish these boards had some more fun to them thou.


Yes indeed. Most conversation goes on in the private forums. I suppose for general discussion a lot of people will just use Stratics.

Ian James

Well, you could always post something thought provoking every now and then like Righty does. . .
Ian James, Alexus, Arithan, Bloody Bob

Sir Morder

Have you read some of his posts on stratics? This guy doesn't post anything intelligent.


I am sorry Morder 90% of my posts are Buying threads the other 10% are me pointing out stupid. I asked a general question and I did so with respect towards your guild. I got an answer and moved on not sure why you got so butt hurt? I actually like the concept of your guild and I normally go out of my way to not PK your people. Well except Aeowyn but that is an old story. I have attended your wolf events and NOT killed everyone in the room which was a tempting offer. I have given your guild members straight up 1v1's which they will not get anywhere else on this shard. I even let your whole guild fight me 10 vs 1 one night and I did not loot a single item. I am not sure where your anger comes from but the only unintelligent post I see is yours.


Good to see you on the GIL public forums.  ;D
Everything is better when you are wearing purple shoes.

Sir Morder

How come i never see you in game? Oh yeah now i remember hehe.


you remember what cause im in game daily i have 9 accts so what char are you looking for? I have been currently playing Coyote Jack so im sure your guild has seen me around.

Lethe Goatsherd

Please, m'lords... this sort of strife goes not well here.

Tame thy tongue, and ye have tamed th' worst wildfire that can spread.

An' this be a personal quarrel, take't to Sosaria, and there do kill each other hap'ly til thy grievances be done.



Can I be the only one imagining the amusement of attempting to decipher a conversation between Lethe and Sitric?

Lethe Goatsherd

Aye, an' we do have our ain tongues..

th' wee kilt wearin' laddy-me-boy would surely put my poor Words t' shame!


Nine accounts.....wow! I have trouble keeping track of my one. I have been thinking of getting a second one soon though.
Everything is better when you are wearing purple shoes.
