Scrolls of Trans, Confirmation!

Started by Cypher, March 16, 2009, 01:57:45 PM

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Just letting everyone know. I was unsure about if SoTs added skills after RoT Max Gain. So this morning after I achieved max, I used one. It does indeed give you the points.


Yes, SoT`s are unaffected by the RoT system aslong as you use em after you got all your points on the givin day.


Thanks for the confirmation, Cypher.

But is it certain that you have to use them after getting your max gains in order to circumvent the cap?



I am not sure either,

I do know that I pulled a skill off a soulstone and then tried to train in that skill and didn't recieve a gain until my RoT reset itself.


Yes, you need to use the SoT's after u have gained ur max gains for the day.  I used a .7 eval a few days ago, prior to maxing out, and noticed I was done with my gains quick.