Working on weekends.

Started by Bob_the_fart_guy, February 21, 2009, 04:33:58 PM

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 >:(  I have to go give a job estimate today, the guys house is about a 35 minute drive on a clear day with light traffic. Well, its sleeting and the roads will be a tad slick, and since I live in Ohio that means that the drive will be more like 45 - 60 minutes one way. The fellow I'm giving the estimate to is a "talker" blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And since the estimate is in the middle of the friggin' day (about one hour from now) that just messes up my gaming weekend.  :P waaa! And since I didn't get home till late as the night owl, I didn't even get to meet up with my friends who said they'd help me with my little quest.  :'(  Well, after the possible hour drive, and the two hours of "sir-blabs-A-lot" and the possible hour drive home, then I should be on again around 4 or 5 tonight. *sigh* Can't I just live in a cyber-world? I seem to remember a movie like that LawnMowerMan? or something like that.

Well, sorry for the long post. Just wanted to get my whining out of the way I suppose, and apologize to my pals for not making it on last night.

I so hate working on weekends.     :-\


Quote from: Bob_the_fart_guy on February 21, 2009, 04:33:58 PM
  I live in Ohio

Howdy neighbor!  ;D I work some weekends too. Like this weekend. I have to drive to Ohio in all this wonderfull snow and ice.  :'(
Everything is better when you are wearing purple shoes.


 ;)   hehe, I just got off the phone with the fellow. I was able to convince him that I would be able to disscuss the work our company would be doing over the phone. Yay! So, now I can log in.

Sorry about you driving in the snow though Troop.  :(


I live in Ontario, Canada

Trust me you guys have nothing to complain about when it comes to snow lol


Snow scares me, which is apparently why I live in the desert.



I with you Kael, Northern Alberta here.
It may be short, but it sure is skinny