An offer

Started by Lethe Goatsherd, November 19, 2008, 03:19:44 PM

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Lethe Goatsherd

*Smiles shyly and reaches down to tangle her hand in a goat's hair before beginning*

I wish to offer what help I may. 'Tis not the sort that most might wish, being not so much battle, but I can craft most things, and the goats have not eaten ALL my plants...
I can also heal, tho' of late the winds have oft blown against me strong.

*bows and fades*

Lethe Goatsherd



 House nemesis could use a few things.  Ali makes most of it, but i see that were lacking on Bolas and ninja stars.  Let me know what items or form of payment you need.

Ian James


We'd be honored for your assistance.  We always have need of crafters and healers.
Ian James, Alexus, Arithan, Bloody Bob

Lethe Goatsherd

Raw materials are good. Where might I leave the things for house Nemesis?


Thanks Lethe!

Remind me to add you to the Nemesis Zento stockhouse as well. We are pretty good on stars there (although I think they need to be poisoned still) but we could use some egg bombs for sure. I will show you where I keep the raw materials, I try to keep that stocked up.


think we need apples too.

Lethe Goatsherd

*shyly* I am working cook and poison as we speak, so I will be more useful shortly...

Stars and bolas stocked. *bows*


Lethe Goatsherd

Of course ye may borrow a goat!
They are great companions, surefooted when ye may not be, and provide cashmere wool if ye wish to make a shawl 'gainst the cold winds...