The Cities under Invasion

Started by Lethe Goatsherd, October 31, 2008, 02:33:38 PM

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Lethe Goatsherd

 Yestereve, being th' crafter I am, and wanting a few stray books for my fledgeling library, I did go forth unto th' Cities.
'Twas there I encountered (truly! for I could scarce believe it my self!) Ancient Wyrms and all manner of foul beasties.
Since I cannot take up th' sword, I took up th' pen, in hoping may haps that 'tis indeed mightier than th' sword to inspire th' valiant warriors of Gilfane-town to go forth into battle in hopes of saving yon Cities...
Tho' there are battles' a'plenty ever in Luna and at Yew Moongate as well!

  Lethe Goatsherd, East of Burin

Be thou long suffering, I prithee.. there are four cities under attack!

  Ode to Magincia
Ah! the lovely despoiled beaches
The isle that was so fair
Tile floors are all remaining
Wailing ghosts are all that walk there

Where was the sound of conversation
Only "ooOoOO" is heard
I know not what they're saying
Yet they trouble me with their words

The chapel's covered in ashes
I imagine lover's vows taken there
I wonder, what became of those
Who bought her merchant's wares

Siege-engines fragmented stand against
What fragmented walls remain
Ah, Magincia! How you've fallen
Ocean's salt cries for your pain!

Lament for Britain

Ah! and cowardice is the sin of Britain
Ancient wyrms wander freely there
Where once so-valiant banksitters
Plied their unvendored wares

Shopkeepers tremble and meet their fate
And none there is to delay
Too few, too far between now
Those valiant to join the fray

Recruits join the evil cause now,
And scouts there are in plenty
To support the dragon-guard that lays
Siege to the fairest city

Come then to Britannia
Show Valor in the fight
Slay the Evil that dwells there
Break the grip that holds her tight!
Miner's Cry for Minoc

Many a day ha' I spent in mining
Pickaxe pounding Minoc mountain
Rejoicing in th' forge-warmth
Quenching in her fountains

Now Hate has taken hold there
Miners dare not walk th' streets
Beetle-ghosts follow barely living masters
Living souls you'll scarcely meet

Where crafters found safe haven
Red hued hatred holds full sway
A Plague has come to Minoc
None there is to join the fray

Ah! I miss th' mines at Minoc
Where oft I've found good ores
Ores and conversation
I shall see them no more!

Song for Moonglow

Moonglow's woes number many
Invisible evils and Abysmal Things
Rooftops provide scant safety
Spells fly up to sting

Ah! I have a friend near Moonglow
That's always been  "his town"
Methinks he'll find it... more interesting
When it's residents he's found

Falsehood's the grey sin of Moonglow
Gateway to Lost Lands
Now lost to those who loved her
Void-wanderers hold her – in tentacles, not hands

Silence reigns now in Moonglow
Who will come to help?
Britannia's where glory's got for many...
Leave Moonglow to fend for herself.

Ian James

You've inspired us indeed Lethe.  Thank you for helping bring us back to life so many times this evening when the dreaded TnT arrived time after time to thwart us from saving the citizens of Britain.
Ian James, Alexus, Arithan, Bloody Bob


Thank you for your contributions, Lethe.

Lethe Goatsherd

To Moonglow then? Or Maginicia?

I'll come!


Just had a new modem put in.  Seems that was my lag problem.  Connection speed went from 75kbs to 19000kbs.
So expect to be seeing me at more guild events.