Nosh'nakh joined Gilfane

Started by Kiannah, July 10, 2007, 02:35:58 PM

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Nosh'nakh is half orc and half elf, she behaves more like an elf though. She can speak english or orcish but she prefers to speak orcish. She is a tailer, smith, tinker, fletcher, lumberjack, with armslore. She uses gate scrolls to get around place to place. Not sure what else to write about her right now.


Noooo!!!  An orc?  Bah!  What's this Guild coming to?  Next think you know we'll be letting dogs join and then what?  I hope this one has learned to clean up after it's self.


Okay, okay, so it's a half orc but that orchish blood is strong!  Keep your eye on her and any animals about that you care to keep from her stew pot!  Maybe this will work.  I'm not so sure......

Duke Daoen


 Good to have her with us.  Welcome to Gilfane!!