Selling: 155 Month Account, three tamers

Started by Podolak, May 01, 2012, 07:31:54 PM

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If this thread is an issue please let me know.  I know it is not a SP account but there are very few places to sell accounts these days.


This account is 155 months old and will be 156 months on May 10th.  It is paid until July 17th.  There are two veteran rewards left on the account and it will get another two on the 10th.  My plan had been to save those rewards plus the ones it gets when it makes it to 168 and get six shard transfer shields.  You of course can do as you wish.  There are three tamers and lots of legendary skills.  The account is for characters and account bound items only.  All other items have been stripped from the account unless otherwise stated.  Many of the faction characters have faction mounts in the stables.  The account is SA and High Seas enabled and comes with UOA.  I can be contacted via PM or ICQ 795598 for questions.

Account comes with the following Soulstones:

2x Empty Full Soulstones
1x Full Soulstone - 100 Healing
Fragment - 120 Bushido
Fragment - 120 Anatomy
Fragment - 120 Swords


5x Empty Full Soulstones
1x Full Soulstone - 100 Lumberjacking
Fragment - 120 Anatomy
Fragment - 120 Swords
Fragment - 120 Mysticism
Fragment - 120 Fencing
Fragment - 120 Archery
Fragment - 120 Parry
Fragment - 120 Ninjitsu
Fragment - 94 Healing
Fragment - Empty

Catskills Characters:

Female Elf - 255 Stat Cap
120 Swords
120 Tactics
120 Bushido
100 Resist
99 Necro
101 Chivalry (120 cap)
60 Parry

Also has used a 120 Archery and 120 Anatomy power scroll.
Faction Artifacts:  Crimson Cincture, Mace and Shield Reading Glasses, Stormgrip, Rune Beetle Carapace

Male Elf - 255 Stat Cap - 231 Long term murder counts.

100 Archery (120 with Hunter's Headdress)
120 Tactics
120 Anatomy
100 Healing (120 cap)
100 Ninjitsu (110 cap)
100 Hiding
80 Stealth (110 cap)

Has used the following scrolls:
120 Animal Lore
115 Animal Taming
120 Bushido
110 Chivalry
110 Fencing
110 magery
110 Mysticism
120 Parry
120 Swords

Has a personal bless deed and the following faction artifacts:  Spirit of the Totem, Primer on Arms Damage Removal, Hunter's Headdress, Rune Beetle Carapace, Fey Leggings, Stormgrip, Crimson Cincture.

Male Human - 255 Stat Cap
120 Swords
90 Tactics (120 cap)
80 Ninjitsu (120 cap)
120 Bushido
110 Animal Taming (115 cap)
115 Animal Lore
85 Chivalry

Has used the following power scrolls:
110 Anatomy
120 Archery
120 Focus
120 Mysticism
120 Stealth

Has the following faction artifacts:  Rune Beetle Carapce, Heart of the Lion, Primer on Arms Damage Removal, Crimson Cincture, Stormgrip.

Male Human - 255 Stat Cap
120 Archery
100 Tactics
120 Bushido
110 Animal Taming (120 cap)
115 Animal Lore (120 cap)
90 Veterniary
65 Chivalry (120 cap)

Has also used the following power scrolls:
115 Anatomy
120 Swords
120 Fencing
120 Healing

Has the following faction artifacts:  Crimson Cincture, Stormgrip, Primer on Arms Damage Removal, Hunter's Headdress, Rune Beetle Carapace.

Female Human - 255 Stat Cap
120 Magery
120 Meditation
120 Evaluating Intelligence
120 Spellweaving
120 Focus
120 Mysticism

Has also used the following power scrolls:

120 Bushido
115 Chivalry
120 Fencing
115 Necromancy
120 Ninjitsu
120 Spirit Speak
120 Stealth

Has the following faction artifacts:  Heart of the Lion, Crimson Cincture, Ornament of the Magician, Crystalline Ring, Primer on Arms Damage Removal, Spirit of the Totem, Wizard Crystal Reading Glasses.

Male Human - 255 Stat Cap - 75 long term murder counts.
120 Magery
120 Meditation
120 Evaluating Intelligence
120 Resisting Spells
120 Necromancy
120 Spirit Speak

Has used the following power scrolls:
115 Animal Taming
115 Archery
120 Focus
120 Mysticism
120 Spellweaving

Has the following faction artifacts:  Ornament of the Magician, Crystalline Ring, Heart of the Lion, Crimson Cincture, Folded Steel Reading Glasses, Clainin's Spellbook.

Male Human - Newbie
100 Swords
100 Inscription
90 Bushido
50 Stealth

Male Gargoyle - 255 Stat Cap
120 Tactics
120 Throwing
100 Healing (120 cap)
100 Anatomy (120 cap)
100 Ninjitsu
100 Hiding
80 Stealth

Has also used 120 Bushido Power Scroll.

Has the following faction artifacts:  Primer on Arms Damage Removal, Crimson Cincture, Folded Steel Reading Glasses

Male Human - Newbie
100 Lumberjacking
96.8 Spirit Speak
71.1 Armslore
60.1 Chivalry
50.1 Archery

Male Elf - 255 Stat Cap
100 Archery (120 with Hunter's Headdress)
120 Anatomy
100 Healing (115 cap)
100 Hiding
120 Tactics
100 Ninjitsu (120 cap)
80 Stealth

Has also used the following power scrolls:
110 Spellweaving
110 Animal Lore
115 Focus
115 Magic Resist
110 Necro
110 Parry
120 Stealing
110 Veterinary

Has the following faction artifacts:  Ornament of the Magician, Inquisiter's Resolution, Crimson Cincture, Rune Beetle Carapace, Fey Leggings, Primer on Arms Damage Removal, Hunter's Headdress.Ha

Has a personal bless deed.

Male Elf - 255 Stat Cap
110 Animal Lore (115 cap)
110 Animal Taming (115 cap)
120 Magery
120 Evaluating Intelligence
100 Spellweaving
90 Veterinary (110 cap)
70 Meditation

Has also used the following power scrolls:
115 Discordance
115 Necromancy
115 Spirit Speak

Has the following faction artifacts:  Heart of the Lion, Folded Steel Reading Glasses, Crimson Cincture, Ornament of the Magician, Crystalline Ring.

Has a personal bless deed.

Male Human - Newbie
100 Focus
100 Meditation
90 Tactics
53 Spirit Speak
50 Necromancy
47 Ninjitsu

Has a personal bless deed.

Male Human - 255 Stat Cap - 113 long term murder counts.
120 Magery
120 Meditation
120 Evaluating Intelligence
120 Resisting Spells
120 Spirit Speak
120 Necromancy

Has also used the following power scrolls:
115 Bushido
120 Chivalry
120 Focus
110 Music
110 Mysticism
120 Swords
120 Tactics

Has the following faction artifacts:  Heart of the Lion, Ornament of the Magician, Spirit of the Totem, Primer on Arms Damage Removal.

Has a personal bless deed.

Female Elf - 255 Stat Cap
120 Bushido
120 Swordsmanship
120 Tactics
101 Chivalry (120 cap)
100 Magic Resistance
99 Necromancy (110 cap)
60 Parry

Has also used the following power scrolls:

120 Anatomy
110 Evaluating Intelligence
115 Healing
115 Meditation
115 Ninjitsu
110 Spellweaving
110 Veterinary

Has the following faction artifacts:  Primer on Arms Damage Removal, Spirit of the Totem, Crimson Cincture, Ring of the Vile, Ornament of the Magician, Rune Beetle Carapace, Folded Steel Reading Glasses.

Has a personal bless deed.


Male Gargoye
120 Focus
115.5 Evaluating Intelligence (120 cap)
110 Mysticism
115 Magery
100 Meditation
120 Spellweaving

Male Human
100 Fencing
100 Tactics
95.4 Anatomy
81.9 Snooping
73.4 Healing
70.1 Blacksmithy
61.8 Stealing
53.4 Magery

Male Human - 255 Stat Cap - 314 long term murder counts.
120 Evaluating Intelligence
120 Magery
120 Magic Resist
120 Meditation
120 Necromancy
120 Spirit Speak

Has also used the following power scrolls:
110 Focus
110 Archery
110 Chivalry
110 Healing
110 Mace Fighting
110 Music
115 Parry
110 Peacemaking
115 Provocation
110 SpellWeaving
115 Stealing
110 Tactics
115 Wrestling

Has the following faction artifacts:  Ornament of the Magician, Folded Steal Reading Glasses, Crimson Cincture, Heart of the Lion, Crystalline Ring.

Male Human - 255 Stat Cap
120 Fencing
120 Magic Resist
120 Meditation
120 Parry
120 Tactics
100 Chivalry (120 cap)
20 Ninjitsu

Has also used a 110 Archery power scroll.

Has the following faction artifacts:  Fey Leggings, Crimson Cincture, Rune Beetle Carapace, Spirit of the Totem, Primer on Arms Damage Removal.

Female Gargoyle - 255 Stat Cap
120 Focus
120 Mysticism
120 Throwing
100.2 Tactics (115 cap)
90.2 Healing
89.6 Anatomy (115 cap)
80 Spellweaving (110 cap)

Has also used the following power scrolls:
115 Archery
115 Bushido
115 Parry
115 Swords

Has the following faction artifacts:  Folded Steel Reading Glasses, Crimson Cincture, Primer on Arms Damage Removal

Has a full soulstone, empty.

Lake Superior:
Male Human- Newbie
100 Arms Lore
100 Bowcrafting
93.2 Meditation
81.6 Tinkering
65 Chivalry
46 Carpentry

Male Human
115 Evaluating Intelligence
115 Meditation
115 Spirit Speak
108.6 Necromancy (115 cap)
115 Magery
84.2 Spellweaving (120 cap)

Has also used a 120 Chivalry Power Scroll.

Has the following faction artifacts:  Crimson Cincture, Folded Steel Reading Glasses, Crystalline Ring, Morph Earrings.

Great Lakes
Male Human - 255 Stat Cap - 142 long term murder counts.
120 Evaluating Intelligence
118.3 Spirit Speak (120 cap)
115 Magery
115 Magic Resist
115 Meditation
110.9 Necromancy (120 cap)

Has also used the following power scrolls:
115 Wrestling
110 Fencing
110 Parry

Has the following faction artifacts:  Ornament of the Magician, Crystalline Ring, Crimson Cincture, Folded Steel Reading Glasses, Heart of the Lion.

Has a personal bless deed.

Lake Austin:
Male Human newbie with personal bless deed.

Napa Valley:

Male Human newbie with personal bless deed.


if you get no offers id be interested for the account age.  the characters would probaly collect dust tho as i dont play shards other then siege. but id be only interested if the price was strictly based off account age and nothing else.   so yah lol you might want to entertain other offers first  i know time invested in the toons is alot.