question about wrestling and potions and template

Started by Amanda, March 27, 2008, 06:46:33 PM

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Hi All,

The game has sure changed a lot since the last time I played and I have a couple of quick questions.

1) I noticed that potions stack together now.  Can thieves steal a whole stack of them if they weigh under 12 stone, like they could with bandages and regs, thus requiring one to leave them unstacked so as not to lose all of them in one swipe?

2) While I was strangling goats with my bare hands I happened to be reading on Stratics that not getting hit now was based based for non-weapon users off either your Wrestling or (Anatomy + Eval Int)/2.  Is this still in fact the case?  If so I was thinking about using my remaining 100 points to train up Anatomy since with my 120 Eval this would in fact give me a better defense than Wrestling at 100.  Plus as I understand one needs Arms Lore to do special moves with wrestling now?

3)  I'm not really probably the biggest min/maxer of templates in the world, the one I'm probably going to go with while I get used to the game again is: poisoning 100, magery 120, eval 120, med 120, resist 115, and wrestling or anatomy 100, which is about 50 atm, with the race being human.  Statistics are 100/35/120.  The idea is to be good in PvM and once I get the hang of the game again to have a template that isn't entirely defenseless when I'm attacked by another player.  Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.  Just follow the trail of dead animals and you'll have no trouble finding me.

4) I notice they have spellbooks now that give you special abilities and some act as slayer weapons.  (Those were just coming in I think when I stopped last time.)  Is there a slayer book that will work on other players (i.e. elf, human, etc.) and do you have to have the spells in the book for it to work as a slayer (either on player or monster) or just equip the special book and have a standard book of spells in your pack?

thank you,

-- Amanda



1) They can be stolen if they are under the weight limit. I keep them in 2 stacks each. Thieves are not really a big problem here unless you are standing still in Luna.

2) Yes, the eval/ana for defense is true. However, you lose the ability to use specials that you would have with wrestling. Both disarm and stun punch are nice specials. I would go for 120 wrestling. No, you do not need arms lore for wrestling.

3) Pretty solid template, except I would suggest wrestling to 120.

4) You have to have the spellbook equipped for it to count. However, it does not need to have spells as long as you have a full spellbook in your pack. There is no slayer for players, but the scrappers mage book is really nice for pvp if you want to use it as your one blessed item.


Great, thank you for the information.  It does sound like wrestling would be better, since I only have one skill and anatomy wouldn't serve any purpose for this character other than defense, but without as you say, gaining access to the special moves.


Good pvm mage template  decent with pvp
120 mage
120 med
120 eval
120 resist
120 wres
100 poison
20 focus

best mage pvp template IMO
120 mage
120 eval
120 med
120 resist
120 wres
60 chiv
60 focus