Is Ian still around?

Started by Shalimar, December 29, 2009, 03:19:23 PM

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He's been holding a house for me on an alt and I know he's going to de-activate the char in Jan sometime. Anyway, I haven't seen him on icq for yonks, so if you read this Ian, I just want to let you know I'm trying to free up one of my own chars to take the house. So can you let me know how much longer I've got before you de-activate please.

Thanks much


Ian is still around, just very busy IRL. I´m sure she´ll read your post soon...

Ian James

Hi Shalimar,

I'm still around, do you have my new icq?  550-717-162  I'm on there all the time.

I was just thinking about that house. . .do you have someone who can hold it?
Ian James, Alexus, Arithan, Bloody Bob


Hiya, yes I've got one of my own chars available to hold it now, sent you an icq.