Hello :)

Started by morkani, May 26, 2009, 06:15:47 PM

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I aspire to join GILfane in the near future and I wanted to post my hello's here. I've probably met several of you arleady in champ spawns (as it's probably my favorite pastime) hehe :).

I started playing UO back in 2001ish & i played on Lake superior, some of my character's names were Morkani, Totani, Elroy, Gorgon, Nightclaws. I had pretty much played the gambit of playstyles. When powerscrolls came out  I loved the adrenalin rush from being chased by red's & having my powerscroll looted & the occasional time when i got the better of them. I was one of the members that got upset when the subscription price went up & was annoyed with the apparent lack of customer support on some issues so i quit playing back in 2003.

Since then i've played many MMORPG's, Lineage2, the matrix online, of course World of Warcraft, runescape, and the last year or so i've played some of those free browser games (similiar to runescape but less content). I've finally gotten to where i miss UO too much that i've got to come back :), siege seems to fit the bill for me.

A little more about me, I live in Florida (i'm on EST) i THINK i'll be working 2nd shift starting tomorrow, (i work for comcast), & i'm ex-navy (only from 94-97), i'm 34 & do have a headset but i prefer to have the television on in the background so i rarely use it. I'd prefer to use text, although i have in the past logged into a voice server so i can at least hear, but i type my outgoing text.

Anyways, hope to see you soon :)

Morkani (charles)

Ian James

Hi Morkani,

It's been a pleasure to have you along on the hunts. I'm sure that Hoffs will be contacting you soon. Do you have ICQ?
Ian James, Alexus, Arithan, Bloody Bob


i have icq, but i never have it on :)



Hi Morkani!

Hopefully you can get together with Gilfane leadership soon and become a member of Gilfane and the alliance!


Hi Morkani. I'll try and catch you sometime today.

Sara Dale

Ive seen you running around and I may have rezed you a few times too.  Artful and I are in north Florida,   which part are you in?   You would be a good addition to the guild.   We have a great bunch of people here    even the orcs.   


i live in southwest florida (fort myers), i have one HECK of a time trying to decypher what the orcs are saying though lol. :) (i don't think i've ever successfully caught the gist of their conversations), i just went back to work today so i wasn't on much today, i've been trying to find you hoff this morning before work, and tonight when i got off, i'll be online for awhile tonight i think so hopefully i catch you then :)


Let's not get started on the orcs  :D


Quote from: Mystikal on May 31, 2009, 02:43:50 PM
Let's not get started on the orcs  :D

The orc's don't scare me.....now those crazy Danes on the other hand :)


Danes and orcs are the same, smelly and a minority  :'(


Its cause your mohawk scares people man lol


lol how the hell did you know I have a mohawk???  ???


You sent me evidence awhile back~~
