Who is it that saves +10 scrolls for NEW?

Started by Shalimar, February 25, 2009, 09:43:45 PM

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I know many of you have saved the +10 scrolls for NEW in the past, but someone was saving them recently and I forget who it was, I think she had a lot stored. Anyway, we are getting very low on most scrolls now (lots of new folk) so if you want to bring them by I'd appreciate it, especially mage, resist, tact, anat, fence etc. Also, any non med studded or hide lcr is always desperately needed.

Thanks much


I'll get the LRC over to y'all in the next day or so...


Sorry Shalimar

RL has me tied up in the mornings now, so i dont often get to go on the daily champ hunt but im sure *drops huge hints* someone could grab the left over scrolls for me and dump them in my house or ask someone who's friended to dump them. no reason to let them rot just because im not there.

Bad time of year here, lambing, calving, trying to organise whats growing where this year & getting ready for the cruise boat influx.


I got some 110s and 115s for ya, its a matter of getting on to deliver them. And when I got some time, Im gonna move all the stuff to my 18x18 in the desert, and either turn current house into a storage place for NEW gear etc (as keep is always full), or we can find something a little bigger or better location, and I can drop current house, and pick that up on Azereos account.
It may be short, but it sure is skinny