Want advice about my roleplay pvp school, please give me some input

Started by Cash, February 09, 2009, 12:42:56 AM

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Ok so weve been tossing back and forth these roleplay themes for
the school.

The obviously one I thought of was, dark mysterious "hogwarts" theme, I hate harry potter but we wont go there.

The second weve talked about is a oriental theme, focusing on different animals and styles scorpian style for poisoners ect.

Id like to hear comments on these themes, and just any ideas you all have roleplay wise, different themes, different rooms the house should have, dress codes, anything really.


Pretty much about anything to keep peoples intrest seems like it would be good for Siege. I lack any real pvp or roleplaying skill or knowledge (as I am sure you are well aware) but having a particular theme seems like it would keep people coming.

I am not sure what all your plans are for the pvp school, but having it set up in some type of catogories seems like it would work best. Maybe having diffrent classifications like mages, archers, ninja, etc?
Everything is better when you are wearing purple shoes.

