Who is Tel ?

Started by Enigma, December 12, 2008, 10:23:13 PM

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Not sure who Tel is in GIL. But you can tell him to send me a message about the 2 LRC suits I have gotten off him while he is working Lockpicking. He really should  not go AFK in a town with no guards.


Thank you Kael for getting his gear back to him , No hard feelings Tel i heard you just came back. I just couldnt help myself when ever i found ya there.


 Thanks Enigma for helping out the new guy.


Np I have personally decided not to loot any GIL any more. But i would appriciate it if ya'll would give murder counts. You know as a way of sayin thanks for not takin my uber loots.


Sounds like a fair trade off...I'll oblige ya next time you drop me


Everything is better when you are wearing purple shoes.


Ok, sounds fair to me.  Let me know who your alts are so I'll know.


Thanks for returning my stuff Enigma.  Raising LP can be a real pain in the butt.  But It's almost over.  Well, until you get me for remove trap...lol.  :)  Either way thanks again and I'll give you a murder count next time. 

Thank you Kael for being the middle man. 


Ahh i love the counts everyone.... so you know Enigma is my main char and my alt is Coyote Jack. I know most of you have met that char. Tel again np, sorry i killed ya 3 times but it was just, well I just had too. I get twitchy.
