In case you find the Siege Forums too horrific right now, I will repost here.

Started by Luka Melehan, November 04, 2008, 03:22:26 PM

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Luka Melehan

RP Circle.

This will not be a guild or faction or alliance. Any are welcome if they lay down thier guild/faction duties for the alloted time period. This will not last forever, but will help determine if RP wants to exist on Siege. And if so, in what form. RPers who are also crafters, or are skilling other tedious skills are welcome to bring that with you.

Respond here or on PM is interested.


Luka Melehan

Initally I want to see what folks want to do. I am still seeing the occasion post about wanting to RP, but nothing comes of it.

If it were just me, I like the idea of RPers getting together from all walks of UO life. Not guild specific or play style specific. May be an exercise in control for some, but I suppose I am an idealist.


RP sounds like fun. I am not sure what all is involved or how it all works but I think this would be of intrest to me.
Everything is better when you are wearing purple shoes.

Lethe Goatsherd

*Raises hand*
Mind if I bring the goats? They follow me everywhere it seems, but I will clean up after them!

Lethe Goatsherd


Luka Melehan

Lethe Goatsherd

I believe milord that all of my goats are lefties.
I do live close to the hills, y'know.

Luka Melehan

I would like to have a couple times this week to meet up. Let's try Thursday morning (tomorrow) at 11 est and again in the evening at 9pm est. We could also get together on Saturday. Is afternoon or evening better? Saturdays tend to be hard for me to plan, but I realize for soem people, thats the only time to plan. My house is in Iantown next to Kelmo's tavern. It is not even thinking about being secure from PvPers, so do no bring or wear anything important. If you want to work on crafting, let me know and we can set up a box ahead of time.

Come to talk RP, crafting, and help shape something we can all enjoy whether your a crafter, PvEer or PvPer.

Luka Melehan

Go out the SE gate of Umbra follow the road til ya run out of houses then turn south for a bit. Its on the east side of the lake.

Lethe Goatsherd


Bahh what is with Thursdays? It be the free day at the vet for speuters so I must play taxi.