Lethe Goatsherd

Started by Lethe Goatsherd, October 25, 2008, 02:18:43 PM

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Lethe Goatsherd

I wish to introduce myself to Gilfane. This is my story. Please be kind to a goat-girl.

Thank thee! Lethe Goatsherd

"...what is thy name, child?"
'Twas obvious that the Speaker had gone on for some time, before coming abreast this blunt question. His face had mapped the Quest for it in ancient lines hid among the topography of a well-limned face.
Her eyes reeled back and forth like a man new-come to th'shores of Britannia from th' planks of a long-rocking ship, taking in colour, shapes... like some profligate Gaugin ready to delight some empty canvas with the whole of it.

She was resting full length 'pon the dusty planks of a Tavern that appeared to be too close to the docks for respectability. She was dressed in a plain brown robe, such as Those Who Wandered wore. There was no knot 'pon her head, as she felt it now, but... there were no Words. Not for "head", nor "knot", though she knew to feel ....there... when she woke under such strange circumstance. Her hand went automatically to her Possibles Bag, found it reassuringly at her side and bulging... with... apples?

At first the Speaker had thought her a victim of Dagger Isle Ale, which was said to have the bite of it's homeland, for a Dragon Ship had late put to port, dislodging a roustabout crew and cargo upon the unsuspecting town of Skara Brae. Now he was less sure. Was she daft?

She muttered a word, a Place... "Burin".
The Gentle Voice recoiled, making a sign of warding.
"Bruin, ye say?" This elicited a gasp from those close enough to hear.
"Bruin would nae be concerned wi' th' likes of YE, methinks, for he is a great warrior of the Shire, and ye..." he looked down at her dirty face, "ye appear to be a goatgirl, with naught for such as he."
This was borne out by the plethora of goats that seemed, as she looked, to fill the tavern. They were everywhere, eating hay, nuzzling mugs carelessly put down by patrons, rearing up to stand on tables.
She blushed.

"I shall call thee Lethe, for surely ye've swum in th' waters of  th' Stygian River," he continued more gently, seeing her discomfiture, for she was scrabbling about, attempting to gather goats before they damaged the tavern. One was munching the hem of her skirt, another struggling frantically to free it's self from her grasp. "Mm. Lethe Goatsherd. Aye!" And he drank from the mug close at hand:  a toast to her naming.

She managed then to stand, and the goats stopped their various munching, wanton destruction, mischiefmaking and defacation to look up at her. She swayed, glad of the table close to hand to steady herself on.

The goats, more surefooted than she, led her to the mountains.

Rummaging in her  Possibles bag, she pulled forth a pickaxe, and began to sing with the pick's ringing 'pon the stone. She was smiling.


Thanks for telling us about yourself, Lethe. Hope to see you around.


Ian James

Ian James, Alexus, Arithan, Bloody Bob

Lethe Goatsherd

*Curtseys shyly*

Thank thee for thy kind welcomes.

Crafting is my joy, and I would be glad to share that joy with any who come.


Could I interest you in bolts of cloth, leather and wood? I do not do many crafts but the bulk of fights I can get these days are ones that yield these treasures. I hate leaving them behind.

I do not know if crafters still use these kinds of things or if only the more exotic materials I have seen are in need.

Lethe Goatsherd

*claps hands joyously*

Oh AYE sire, and thank thee! There must be some who need Simples, may haps crafted items for house-furnishings or suchlike.

Might I, in some measure of return, offer my services, such as they are, if ye have need?


I do need some items, having a near empty house. It will be harder to figure out what I need than it will be getting materials. I am sure I can give you enough to cover my small needs and still turn a handsome profit with the surplus.

If you have the need and can tell me where to get more exotic materials, it may give me some more challenging tasks to meet my abilities and provide fun quests. I am newly returned to this land and have not yet built friendships to spend my days raiding dungeons and fighting battles. The reapers and gargoyles in my neighborhood have filed a formal petition of unfair harassment against me.

Lethe Goatsherd

'Twould be my great pleasure to furnish thy home, tho' I shall not seek to "turn a Prophet" with the surplus.

I'sooth, I think I have not the tongue for it.


How do I find you Lethe? I have a wagon full of wood for your shop!

Lethe Goatsherd

Let me know when ye're about, and we can arrange schedules. I thank thee!




Lethe dost thee have a home here on siege yet? I have a castle in safe haven and a keep on ice if you are in need of extra space or just a safe farming/crafting spot.

Lethe Goatsherd

 Thank thee for thy kindness, Lady!

I shall go any where to craft, but I have a small crafthome that was donated by a Lady who was bound for other Worlds.

I (*shyly*) do pray will become a repose for those in need, and, may haps a library to house my books (for I am a voracious reader, devouring tomes entire!) Tis East of Burin, an' I would be happy to invite any and all of GiLtown to mine alongside me!

Ian James


Thank you for your assistance tonight in Britain. :-)
Ian James, Alexus, Arithan, Bloody Bob