Removal From GILFANE

Started by Phantroneous, September 26, 2008, 01:49:36 PM

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*Edited* i removed my original post not because what i said in it its because what i didnt say, I have alot of friends here and gilfane has become my home.... beign kicked out of your home.... is very painful reguardless of the reasons i honestly wish it would have been worked out and i will not give up a hope that maybe i can return to my friends....
I am Sorry for whatever i did that was so bad.... For those who are afraid i will go crazy and Kos gilfane, they need not worry im not that kind of person...

I am willing to work on any issues that i may have caused and
If anything can be done to reverse the choice made, please indeed let me know


Everyone Whom i got to play with i enjoyed playing with each of you.... and you guys are very funny could aways make me laugh, Im glad i got to play with quite a few of you and i hope that i will still get to from time to time....


Not sure why you were kicked out of Gil but you sure were running with them at the spawn this morning. Thanks for the scrappers :) You and Mystical carry such nice loot. You should keep it up too as it is so easy to make your things my things.


Your welcome Enigma forgot to siege bless it, nah i was running with Mystikal cuz hes a friend nothing to do with Gilfane....


Quote from: Enigma on September 26, 2008, 05:55:22 PM
Not sure why you were kicked out of Gil but you sure were running with them at the spawn this morning. Thanks for the scrappers :) You and Mystical carry such nice loot. You should keep it up too as it is so easy to make your things my things.

Wow. Impressive. You should join Kodran.


I have no clue, but then again I am not in the leadership. Hope we work something out one way or the other kuz meeb lub lat!!!!


Speedy Claxton

Phant, PM me on stratics, I'll give you a scrappers.



i was trying to get another for you as well


Thank you as well Mo' Honestly i was just thinking about quitting and you guys pull this stunt on me *grins*


I honestly think i might stop playing Ultima with all that has happend.... realy can't deal with this very well.... other things yes but somthing like this no.... never was good at emotional things.... i guess thats what happends when you get attached to somthing.... I thank you all for the great times i had.... never would have done half the crap i did if it wasnt for you guys.... (i mean that in a good way) i.e. Harrower.... Animal taming.... owning a greater dragon, nightmare, rune beetle, cu. all those cool pets you guys got for me or helped me get.... Never did a champ spawn before gilfane.... never did proxy, or shimmer before i joined.... i did alot here and learned a great deal as well.... i hope that not all of you are pissed with me.... and for those of you that are.... all i can say is im sorry.... even if i disagreed with you guys you still turned out to be like family to me.... If i do leave i might drop off some of my stuff to you guys.... since ill have no need for it.... i.... wish it didnt end like this.... i donno.... how it did exactly but.... I.... i donno....


Buck up kiddo it will all look better in the morning.


Thanks Eowyn :) thanks for everything

Dire Wolf