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White Council Public Forum / House plots
Last post by Stratos - December 17, 2024, 08:51:02 PM
Hello there GIL peoples,

I would like to be in contact with Sara, who placed today in the Keep spot.

Is there some sort of deal we can work out where you buy my interests or may I buy you out?

If you can please reach me on Discord?


Stratos (stratosmosher on discord)
White Council Public Forum / Re: Sir Vincent has passed awa...
Last post by Sara Dale - November 20, 2024, 09:52:39 PM
Im so sorry to hear that.  He was such a nice person.  I would think of him and wonder where he was at.
White Council Public Forum / Re: Sir Vincent has passed awa...
Last post by Tjalle - November 20, 2024, 04:33:44 PM
I´m sorry to hear that.
I just recently heard he had some health issues but I didn´t realize it was this bad. I always liked Vinny. As you said, he always seemed like an easy going person.

If my memory serves me right, he tried to PK me in the Stygian Abyss dungeon once and we had a fun fight going back and forth for a while. We both left the dungeon bruised but not defeated.

Thank you for letting us know!
White Council Public Forum / Sir Vincent has passed away
Last post by Calavera - November 20, 2024, 03:12:54 PM
Fellow Siege Perilous players,

I am deeply sorry to say that Vinny has passed away. Igg and I had been talking to him through October and at that time he had a severe case of pneumonia, but he was still his usual friendly self. Just a few weeks later he died at home with cancer.

Through his characters of Sir Vincent, Singularity, and Event Horizon he played with or against a huge number of groups and guilds on our server. Vinny was a long time member of B^A, as well as SPHS, DRMA, GIL, and a few others. He was quick to laughter and as easy going as a person could be. He loved collecting old bits of Siege history and playing factions and VvV. For years Vinny played with some combination of Igg, Talia, and myself on some crazy weekend adventure or EM event.

He will be missed.

- Calavera
White Council Public Forum / Re: PK Killa killed me and i w...
Last post by Mouse - November 16, 2024, 07:27:14 PM
i haven't given your positions away in game in 3+ years.  but whatever.  you obviously have your mind set up about what type of person i am, and that's fine.  you're entitled to your opinions.  it's fine.  i will leave you alone and not cause you anymore drama.
White Council Public Forum / Re: PK Killa killed me and i w...
Last post by Old Man Nadal - November 16, 2024, 06:55:56 PM
That's Just part of your history, mouse. You are known to give our positions away when you see us in game. It's common knowledge you are close with VICE. You can play the innocent all you want but I have been here since the server began and you have a shady reputation. I'm active as well so I can confirm all of this myself. I wouldn't waste tears on a game.
White Council Public Forum / Re: PK Killa killed me and i w...
Last post by Mouse - November 16, 2024, 05:24:06 PM
i'm crying right now for anyone that cares.  i have done my best to atone for those actions.  i do my best to be a helpful UO player and i do my best to donate to the hub and to Shalimar and to new players that don't have much.  and to help Moby b/c he can always use a helpful hand and he gives great hugs.  i'm sorry for what i did in 2020 that hurt your guild. 
White Council Public Forum / Re: PK Killa killed me and i w...
Last post by Mouse - November 16, 2024, 05:10:55 PM
that was in 2020.  nice to know i'm still KOS for something i did in 2020.  as i've tried to explain to any GIL that will listen to me (and *gasp* the few that have understood the circumstances and forgiven me), i don't do that anymore and haven't for 3 years.  i popped the tmap monster, i saw some GIL show up, i was attempting to help kill the monster, and pk killa killed and dry looted me.  i'm blue and have always been blue.
White Council Public Forum / Re: PK Killa killed me and i w...
Last post by Old Man Nadal - November 16, 2024, 02:58:50 PM
You have a history of giving information to VICE regarding our guild members locations in game, as well as other confidential information like map server logins. You're kill on sight. Coming here acting like a victim and trying to start drama will not work. As for Calavera, he is free to do as he chooses, and we wish him well.
White Council Public Forum / Re: PK Killa killed me and i w...
Last post by Mouse - November 15, 2024, 01:35:34 PM
Thank you Calvera.  I appreciated that.