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Messages - LennyM95

Nothing is wrong with my moat. I pee in it daily to keep it filled up.
Oh Max still plays? I thought he quit for a Smurfville game or something. Hi Max. *waves*
well your number is younger than mine but I can still log into ICQ and you can't ;-)


Still for sale, I know someone wants it.
Selling low icq number. Impress you friends with your ICQ age.
That is exactly why I got the vet reward blessed spell channeling fishing pole; it won't wear out.
I prefer to use the blessed vet reward fishing pole. Is there anything special to make the one you want? Enhancing or reforging?
Maybe we just don't talk in here. I am on most evenings (EDT).
I would have just banned him. It was intentional.
No worries. I figured you got it. Enjoy Siege.
White Council Public Forum / Re: Buying Swords Mastery III
September 30, 2023, 02:05:14 AM
I put it in Magichand's dolphin mailbox in UWSP town. Good luck
White Council Public Forum / Re: Buying Swords Mastery III
September 28, 2023, 11:05:22 PM
If you can tell me a day and time you can be online. I will try to ping you in global chat so we can meet.
White Council Public Forum / Re: Buying Swords Mastery III
September 28, 2023, 01:16:44 AM
Okay, tell me where and when to meet you.
White Council Public Forum / Re: Buying Swords Mastery III
September 25, 2023, 07:50:20 PM
Putting a Swordsmanship Mastery III into the special orders box in the loot house.


I'll review my large bods and put some together for you this week. If you have individual small you need please send me a list and I'll look for them.

Malloc, Static and others
Tome of lost knowledge is +15 magery and blessed. On vendors for 650k with 0 spells. I can help you fill it if you need that.