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Messages - Beylik

I note that an introduction and a bit of history is asked for from folks might be interested in yer guild, so I'll add a bit.  I came upon this land, oh, maybe it was 25 years ago or so, and fell in with a group of respectable gentlemen that went by the monicker 8X.  Fishermen mostly, peaceful fishermen, no matter what you heard.  We used to boat around, just fishin'. 
Well, after a time of that, we came to an understanding with the Perilous Adventurer's Guild, Pixie's old outfit, and we flew our standard with his boys.  Good times, those were.  I rose in that guild, became an elder for a time, and generally just ran around having the best of days, engaging in no disreputable activities that were officially proven. 
Alas, all great things must come to and end, and I had an old dept to pay (taxes, actually).  Had a runin with good ol' Dagashi, who informed me that if I couldn't come up with several million, I was going to have to work it off.  Well, respectable and fully honerable old Pir....fisherman that I am, I couldn't come up with the coin.  So I spent some time being a tax agent, in which time I'm proud to say I rose in that organization and was actually put in charge of certain elements of the operation, including the treasuries.  Again, nothing was officially proven.  Well...  all I can say about those times...I certainly hope no overtaxed citizens are still around in GIL.  If so, I can still technically help you lodge a complaint.  If I can find the office of circular misfiling...I think it's been moved...  Anyway. 
One day I died.  It was unfortunate, but there it was.  Came as a hell of a surprise, but there they were, the Undead, ready to embrace me.  I can't say much of that time, other than to report that in a bizarre circumstance involving a chicken egg, some moldy sausage, and a resurrection scroll, I better.  Took it's toll though, because I think I was unconscious for about 15 years, best I can tell.  So that's my story, and here I am, mostly reformed retired fisherman, and hoping to find a crew.