Hail to the Gilfane Guild and members of the White Council.
My real name is Vince, I am a former Ultima Online player who decided in my wisdom to take a very long break from the game.
I have recently returned to begin a new life on Europa, to forge a new life and eek out new and wonderous adventures with potentially a new guild (providing of course I fit the guilds requirements.)
I live and work in the south of Spain now after recently leaving England for Family / Personal Reasons so my playtimes are usually 20:00 Madrid time till 2am, My currently characters are:
Alystyr Corvinus - Cartography Mage with Remove Trap and Lockpicking.
OddsBoddikins - All round Crafter (focus on Blacksmithing, Tinker, Tailor, Carpentry)
Tychondrius - Lawful Disco Mage Tamer in training with specific focus on PVM/PVE and Peerless play.
Lynais Swift - thief assassin and general naughty wild child. (not created as of yet)
I am a very polite person by nature and while yes I resided on Chesapeake Shard for over 10 years as a pvper I found a joy and vitality in PVM / PVE that I had totally forgotten about. So mainly looking to focus on these aspects, though... I'm happy to throw down to take or hold a champ spawn :)
I firmly believe in the soul of a guild being its members, I can often be called apon to assist new and returning players with armour, gems, advice and where ever possible taking time to hunt with them. I enjoy nothing more than a great hunt, good banter and always making sure everyone is happy and have a laugh at my often terrible dad jokes :D
I do not currently have ICQ but I can be reached through the forums or via email which im happy to offer. I look forward to meeting you all soon and wish everyone the very best, stay safe, play safe and above all keep on rocking :)
Hail and welcome to our forums.
Just to make sure, you do know this guild is located on Siege Perilous and not on Europa?
Hail and Well Met
Welcome to out board. We have a lot of good people here.
Welcome to the forums.
Please check your PMs