Gilfane Forums

White Council Forums => White Council Public Forum => Topic started by: AlystyrCorvinus on July 26, 2021, 10:44:22 AM

Title: A polite introduction
Post by: AlystyrCorvinus on July 26, 2021, 10:44:22 AM
Hail to the Gilfane Guild and members of the White Council.

My real name is Vince, I am a former Ultima Online player who decided in my wisdom to take a very long break from the game.

I have recently returned to begin a new life on Europa, to forge a new life and eek out new and wonderous adventures with potentially a new guild (providing of course I fit the guilds requirements.)

I live and work in the south of Spain now after recently leaving England for Family / Personal Reasons so my playtimes are usually 20:00 Madrid time till 2am, My currently characters are:

Alystyr Corvinus - Cartography Mage with Remove Trap and Lockpicking.
OddsBoddikins - All round Crafter (focus on Blacksmithing, Tinker, Tailor, Carpentry)
Tychondrius - Lawful Disco Mage Tamer in training with specific focus on PVM/PVE and Peerless play.
Lynais Swift - thief assassin and general naughty wild child. (not created as of yet)

I am a very polite person by nature and while yes I resided on Chesapeake Shard for over 10 years as a pvper I found a joy and vitality in PVM / PVE that I had totally forgotten about. So mainly looking to focus on these aspects, though... I'm happy to throw down to take or hold a champ spawn :)

I firmly believe in the soul of a guild being its members, I can often be called apon to assist new and returning players with armour, gems, advice and where ever possible taking time to hunt with them. I enjoy nothing more than a great hunt, good banter and always making sure everyone is happy and have a laugh at my often terrible dad jokes :D

I do not currently have ICQ but I can be reached through the forums or via email which im happy to offer. I look forward to meeting you all soon and wish everyone the very best, stay safe, play safe and above all keep on rocking :)

Title: Re: A polite introduction
Post by: Tjalle on July 26, 2021, 01:39:02 PM
Hail and welcome to our forums.

Just to make sure, you do know this guild is located on Siege Perilous and not on Europa?
Title: Re: A polite introduction
Post by: ii & Sabin on July 26, 2021, 04:01:53 PM
Hail and Well Met
Title: Re: A polite introduction
Post by: Sara Dale on July 26, 2021, 05:02:20 PM
Welcome to out board.  We have a lot of good people here.
Title: Re: A polite introduction
Post by: Creeger on July 26, 2021, 05:07:04 PM
Title: Re: A polite introduction
Post by: Becca on July 28, 2021, 11:00:45 PM
Welcome to the forums.

Please check your PMs