On the 13th of August in the c.e. year 2020, corresponding to the first day of Lammas on the Julian Calendar, Alix the Countess of d' Tankerville issued a decree that Branwyn is elevated to the title and privilege of Baroness of Errol. Errol was established long ago as a barony by the then reigning King of Britannia. In the lands of Siege she will be the representative of the House which is based elsewhere. It is presently believed that Tankerville Castle, originally in Normandy before the invasion of Britain, lies in ruins now somewhere. Branwyn currently resides in the old St. Brendan's Abbey which was built by seafaring monks in honor of the patron of sailors and travelers. The architecture is reminiscent of its former occupation but the interior has been remodeled extensively, and alas, the outskirts of Minoc have become a "Bartertown" for ill gotten gain with a shrine glorifying a departed scoundrel known as Chad Sexington almost at the doorstep.
In assuming her new title Bran will no longer be a member of Gilfane but, rather, of House d' Tankerville. The House is allied to the White Council.
"All Hail the new Baroness"!
*sneaks away to start invasion plans from the south*
*Letter delivered to the Members of the Gilfane Landstraad on the eve of Martinmas*
Greetings and good health to you all from Branwyn, the Baroness of Errol, and the House d'Tankerville.
We are honored to be a part of the White Council Alliance. For a time we feared that we would be forced to leave these lands for reasons beyond our control, but a powerful ally intervened on our behalf assuring our ongoing presence in the community. Alas we were forced to abandon our former spacious home north of Minoc to prevent it from going into a state of disrepair. Sara Dale found a new owner for the Casa and for the many possessions that we acquired. I am not homeless however. I found a comfy cottage nearly hidden by a grand castle on the coast of north Trinsic which is known as Honors Landing. Alix has returned and is enjoying the abundance of sunken treasures to be found here in addition to her duties as the business manager of the household.
I replied to the recent letter from the Keeper concerning our ongoing interest in maintaining our alliance within the White Council although perhaps there is a possibility that becoming a Gilfane House would be preferable for all concerned and I ask you all to consider this.
House d'Tankerville would have my support as a new house of Gilfane.
I like it.