Hey guys, I was hoping to Join GIL... I am JayEmm, Smithy and Tetsujin...
I was recently apart of TDO but left because of harassment from a guild friend (He was harassing me and they let it happen).
I am alone now and would reallly love to join up with another guild.
I am also a professional web developer/designer and would be more than happy to make the gilfane website a lot more dynamic and pretty :D.
Please let me know asap.
Hi JayEmm - hopefully you can get with GIL and become part of the White Council!
Hail JayEmm.
Welcome to the boards! :)
Hey..welcome to the GIL boards ;D
P.S. is TDO falling apart??? Always seemed like the guild had some good people in it...but now seems like the names I always recognized are no longer in it
Hail JayEmm. Welcome to the boards!
Hi, and wecome to our boards.
Do you also design sigs? I would love to have one but am quite technically challenged. (perhaps an A.G.E. related problem, who knows?) ;D